On Earth as it is in Heaven-Revelation
of Restoration to Body of Christ
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:10
To Rick Joyner: Remember
that time is not the same here-in the Heavenly realm. That is why on the earth
patience must be joined to your faith or you will miss the timing of the Lord.
This statement written in Rick Joyner's book "The Torch and the Sword"
is on page 91 for Psalms 91:1&14 prophesied through Timothy Snodgrass being
lifted up to the Higher realm, Heavenly realm of working with the angels of
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under
the shadow of the Almighty. Psalms 91:1
Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I
will set him on high, because he hath known my name. Psalms 91:14
The Holy Spirit told
Patrick that the two resurrection angels are involved in ascending on High.
To Rick Joyner: Remember that time in the Heavenly
realm does not seem the same as on the earth.
Susan says, What Bob
Jones told Patrick that you have to wait for the two resurrection angels to
come back.
The scripture is Revelation
3:10 and this is the number of the date 3-10-1998 Prophet Bob Jones prophesied
what the two resurrection spoke to him twice.
I've had the two
resurrection angels come to me twice now and speak Luke 2:49 to me- And he said
unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my
Father's business?- and this is one of your callings- it's time you be about
your Daddy business and what your Daddy wants to do in this Town is build a
Temple of living stones that He can co-habituate in. I don't really think He's
as much interested in a visitation as He is setting up shop, and this is what
your called to do and this is the Word I had for you that's why I come!"
The 13th rung of the
Latter Jacob saw- 13-Patience:
Hebrews 6:11,12
And we desire that every one of
you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: That
ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience
inherit the promises.
James 1:2-7
My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing
this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 4But let patience have
her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. If any of
you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and
upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing
wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind
and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the
We have ascended and
are on this 13th rung of the latter with the two resurrection angels.
The number 13- the
Atonement, the 13 Apostles.
The dream Patrick had
of the two resurrection angels lifting him up upon the water of the river of
the Spirit. He was lifted up to the higher level.
The greatest key to
Spiritual breakthrough is Timing!
In 1954 earnest
Angley was caught away in the Spirit and saw the Crossing into the Spiritual land of Canaan .
45 years later on
June 13, 1999 the Timing of the Lord we crossed over into the Spiritual land of
Canaan-God's Endtime Harvest Time.
So on June 13, 1999
began a cycle of God and went 12 years until June 13, 2011. This day Prophet
Paul Cain traveled to meet with Mike Bickle and their relationship was
restored. This was a Spiritual breakthrough, this day God restored the Move of
the Spirit that was aborted in 1990-91. Paul Cain a Prophet with command
authority a Samuel sent to anoint a give a Word beginning the advance of the
last days ministry.
God's culmination of
the ages will never be complete until the world has an infallible, indelible
manifestation that God is Who he claims to be. There is no way that this age
will be climaxed, consummated or brought to a conclusion without the visible
manifestation of Who He is, once and for all, to the world.
This Harvest time
cycle is no accident. We need to understand that. God knew from the beginning
that in a certain dispensation of time, the endtimes, He would manifest Himself
in a very unusual way.
God planned for what?
The maturity of the times.
TO EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose
under heaven: He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also has planted
eternity in men's hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose
working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can
satisfy], yet so that men cannot find out what God has done from the beginning
to the end. Ecclesiastes 3:1&11(Amp)
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the
heaven: He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the
world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from
the beginning to the end. Ecclesiastes 3:1&11
"A power
Spiritual force is about to be released within the Body of Christ, that is
going to bring about the greatest manifestation of the power of God that the
world has ever seen.'
Apostle Morris
Cerullo, Prophet Paul Cain, Apostle John Wimber died by judgment passed mantle
to Apostle John Arnott.
35 Endtime Apostles
Move of the Spirit
Toronto-prophesied in 1984 in Kansas City-only last 3 years suppose to last 50
years Angel Winds of Change. Wine of My Spirit.
Prophet Bob Jones
prophesied outpouring in 1994-Outpouring in Pensacola, Florida 1995-only lasts 3 years suppose to
last 50 years Angel winds of Change. Fire of My Spirit.
Outpouring in Florida prophesied years
before Prophet Paul Cain-only last 3 months suppose to last 50 years Angel
Winds of change. Prophecies to be fulfilled spoken to Pensacola , Florida .
Wind of My Spirit beginning.
Restoration of
Healing Revival in Shreveport , LA ,
Grants Pass , OR . Angel Winds of Change. Mary Ann's vision
of Winds of Change, south, west, north, east.
December 2, 2011 God
speaks "Ecclesiastes 3," then speaks "Having made known to us
the mystery of His will" then says, "11" for Ecclesiastes 3.
TO EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose
under heaven: He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also has planted
eternity in men's hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose
working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can
satisfy], yet so that men cannot find out what God has done from the beginning
to the end. Ecclesiastes 3:1&11(Amp)
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the
heaven: He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the
world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from
the beginning to the end. Ecclesiastes 3:1&11
long duration, antiquity, futurity, for ever, ever, everlasting, evermore,
perpetual, old, ancient, world
ancient time, long time (of past)
(of future)
for ever, always
continuous existence, perpetual
everlasting, indefinite or unending future, eternity
The Angel Winds of
Change vision of Mary Ann going South and all over the United States .
The Angel Winds of
Change going with us down to Fort
Smith , Arkansas
region-Shreveport, LA. Then from there to Grants
pass , OR . then all
over U.S.A.
Dates of meetings in Fort Smith , AR. May 19-21,
May 19, 2001
Prophetess Nita Johnson First Gathering of the Eagles in Jacksonville , Florida .
Attending Prophetess
Nita Johnson meeting in Canada
on 9-13-2000, cover of her book "Prepare for the Winds of Change"
Revelation 9:13 sit in back of her speak to her. Then go to Bob Jones meeting
in Rochester N.Y. he speaks about the Angel Winds of
Change coming to him that year. Prophet Timothy Snodgrass born on 9-13-1960-
covenant relationship 5 years later-Grace. speak to Michael on phone at 9:13PM-
May 19-21, 2000
Prophet Bob Jones meetings in Shreveport, LA. sent there through Angel Winds of
Dream of Prophetess
Bobbie Jean Merck Angel of the Lord comes down as she ministers to a man
trembling me and her. Dream of the Angel of the Lord on May 19, 1995 raise up
Prophets of prayer.
May 19, 1995 to May
19, 2000 to May 19, 2012- 5 year cycle of God and 12 year cycle of God= 17
years the number revealed to Patrick to Bobbie Jean Merck on 40 day fast-
understanding- Joseph 17 years old when he received the dreams. God's Endtime Harvest
Time cycle.
35 End Days Apostles
On January 20, 2012
Patrick saw a vision of the blue sapphire drapery of the Shekinah glory and he
prophesied to Pastor Kang of the appearance of Jesus Christ in full stature and
His blue eyes and Patrick saw into the third Heaven of the revelations of the
35 End Days Apostles, he saw into the third Heaven a blue crystal box that was
turning and after this that Shekinah glory was in the room.
And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a
throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of the
throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it. Ezekiel 1:26
And thou shalt make a vail of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine
twined linen of cunning work: with cherubims shall it be made: Exodus 26:31
Thou therefore, and thy sons, and thy servants, shall till the land for
him, and thou shalt bring in the fruits, that thy master's son may have food to
eat: but Mephibosheth thy
master's son shall eat bread alway at my table. Now Ziba had fifteen sons and
twenty servants. 2 Samuel 9:10
Here in the above
scriptures reveals the 35 Apostles in the 15 sons and twenty servants. Also in
Isaiah chapter 35 is symbolic of the 35 Apostles.
The Chariots of God on the Mountain
of God
The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the
Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place. Psalms 68:17
On October 2, 2011
during the conference that began on the Jewish New Year which is the beginning
of the year 2012 Prophet Timothy Snodgrass saw two chariots of God fly over the
Salvation of God Church they made a sound as they flew and they were blue
He also saw William
Branham and Elijah in the Spirit in the meeting and the heart of God.
The Lord had
quickened to Patrick earlier that day the revelation of the 62 things that made
up the heart of Jesus.
William Branham had
the secrets of the heart ministry.
Then on October 5,
2011 as we descended in the plane Patrick discerned the powers of the enemy
over San Francisco and he told Susan about it and the Holy Spirit told her
Divine blood separation, so we spoke that Word from the prophecy- "I call
for Divine blood separation, separate into My blood and remain there. My blood
is life, My blood is all the power you need, My blood will defeat the devil and
all the powers of darkness. Let not your heart be troubled. If you put your
trust in the God that made you, I will give you power to defeat all demonic
spirits that seek to defeat you. I am the God of all power, and I the Lord thy
God hath spoken and will do it," saith the Lord.
Later that day as we
drove to the meeting the heavens were dark and storming, as we drove the Lord
fulfilled the prophecy and the heavens supernaturally cleared, it was awesome
to see, as this happened the chariots of God were in the heavens they were in
the form of clouds circular or disked shaped lit up with the Sun and surrounded
by rainbow colors. It was the awesomest sight. The heavens over San Francisco were so
clear it was supernatural. God had separated the region by Divine blood
The Lord also showed
Susan that we had left Gilroy , California
to drive to San Francisco , California at 6:06PM and we arrived at
7:17PM. 1 hour and 11 minutes.
The Lord has spoken
those times and numbers to us before.
The Angel of the Lord
had spoken to William Branham Matthew 6:6 in the three pulls vision and Timothy
prophesied to Patrick that on July 17, 2011 or 7-17-2011 he would be taken up
to a Higher level, a Heavenly level, the level of working with the angels and
the prophecy was fulfilled and Patrick was caught away into the realm of God in
a dream and saw the twenty endtime angels who have been sent to the earth to
bring in the billion souls Harvest.
God has been speaking
the number 3 to us for this new year.
Both times have to do
with William Branham ministry and God restoring his anointing or mantle.
In the three pulls
vision the Angel of the Lord flew over the little Tent in the form of a light
that was circular shaped or disked shaped which is how the chariots were that
we saw over San Francisco .
In the three pulls
vision William Branham was take up four times or four levels which is the
fourth level of the river of the Spirit of Ezekiel chapter 47 the swimming
Three years ago on May 7, 2008 we went onto the Temple Mount in Israel
and Patrick saw William Branham with a measuring rod and the Angel Elijah
measuring the Temple Mount, this was 62 tears after the Angel of the Lord
appeared to William Branham on May 7, 1946. When we were on the Temple Mount
God showed us where the Holy of Holies was and Patrick experienced the Shekinah
glory that was in the Holy of Holies.
Isaiah 62:6,7
In Ezekiel chapter
40:1-4 the Lord caught away the Prophet Ezekiel to a very high Mountain and in
this experience 7 chapters later chapter 47 the Angel showed Ezekiel the river
coming out of the Sanctuary of God and he took him through four levels of the
river. God is manifesting His Endtime habitation of His Temple that His people are the living stones
The Lord gave a sign
in earth by an 6.2 earthquake in Argentina of the 62 things that
made up the heart of Jesus.
The Holy Spirit revealed that on October 5,
2011 or 10-5-2011 that Ezekiel 10:5 would happen. Susan saw vision of herself
taking coals of fire in her arms and scattering them over the earth
Then on October 12,
2011 in the meeting Patrick saw the two chariots of God they were and they hovered in the air in the meeting
they were 15 feet in diameter with the two resurrection angels in them coming
out of the chariots and the blue smoke coming from the resurrection angels of
the glory and power of God.
And five cubits was the one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the
other wing of the cherub: from the uttermost part of the one wing unto the
uttermost part of the other were ten cubits. 1 Kings 6:24
The sapphire blue
level of the second dimension of God, the second foundation of the New
The two chariots of
God blue with the two resurrection angels in them coming out of the chariots
and the blue smoke coming from the resurrection angels of the glory and power
of God.
Bob Jones October 2,
2011 Word-the Blue-revelation.
Then the two
resurrection angels came the second time on November 1, 2011 in fulfillment of
the prophecy of Prophet Bob Jones- Prophecy spoken to Church in Rochester N.Y.
by Prophet Bob Jones- March 10, 1998- "I've had the angels come to me
twice now and speak Luke 2:49 to me- And he said unto them, How is it that ye
sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?- and this is
one of your callings- it's time you be about your Daddy business and what your
Daddy wants to do in this Town is build a Temple of living stones that He can
co-habituate in. I don't really think He's as much interested in a visitation
as He is setting up shop, and this is what your called to do and this is the
Word I had for you that's why I come!"