Thursday, March 14, 2013

Light is Sown for the Righteous

Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart. Psalms 97:11

Prophet Bob Jones prophesied:

"Being sown by the remnant seed, there's been a death take place in their lives and an impartation of righteousness where they've become like that seed on the other side of the cross, the Spirit of Holiness and when we raise up we'll become like that holy seed and have resurrection power in it and we'll be able to minister out of that to how many come to us that will be the multiplication of the seed, right now until 2012 first Harvest greater than anything you've ever seen after that they'll be gathering in the first Harvest and it will be resown for the second Harvest I believe the second Harvest will go between 2012 to 2020 and it will be gathered into the grainery and sown for a third Harvest and out of that third Harvest they'll be a billion souls coming to the Lord most of them will be young but I believe what He's speaking now"

The Three Great Harvests

"There are three great harvests that I will see in my time.  The first one is at hand right now.  The first great harvest will be with little “Mom and Pop” churches.  You little churches out there will have such a great harvest that you will be filled to the brims.  A lot of your ministry will be done on the streets.  And youth will be coming in – this is ready to begin now and I really expect a real move of the Holy Spirit this New Years Eve.  God is a god of time too. 

He lives in a place where there is no time, but He is a God of time.  Even in His word He moves every 50 years and it is time we get free.  It is time that we get free from our bondage of sin. It is time that we get a jubilee – set free from all past debts.  One thing the enemy has been accusing me of here lately is of sins that I did before I got saved.  I’m not going to put up with that!  I’ve had enough sins since I got saved to repent of.  But I am not going to go back on either of what I have already repented of. There has been a battle in our minds. Don’t become discouraged of it because it gets the old root system out.  And I believe that we are about ready to come into a new movement. 

I know that for many years I have said that 101 and 102 would be the greatest (Bob is speaking of Psalm 101 and 102 as represent prophetically the years 2001 and 2002.) These angels that I have seen and some of the prophecies that I have brought, they really established the words that I have spoken by heavenly signs, and literally by earthquakes.  I brought a prophecy, “Mark September 3rd, I said, there is going to be an earthquake in California, watch it, it will tell you something.” Do you know what happened on September 3rd in California An earthquake in the wine belt.  There is going to be a shaking in the Holy Spirit.  This Haggai 2:5&6 if you will read that you will find out that shaking is going to happen.  The Holy Spirit is going to shake and pour out the wine.  52, the quake was a 5.2. Mark 52 weeks from September 3rd In Nehemiah 6 its says that on the 25th of Elul the walls were finished around Jerusalem after 52 days.  The church is coming together in unity and in prayer.  It will begin to lay a wall, a hedge around the church and instead of killing one another they will become dependent upon one another.  Also the ones who laid that hedge up were “many fathers.” 

So there is going to have to be a lot of Mom and Pop’s bringing their children to lay that hedge up.  For He is going to call different churches to come and work on the wall in different places.  So when they get it together their will be a place where The Church is safe.  Any of these churches out there you need to join with Jesus and the other churches in the movement that He is going to do.  So that you will have enough of you to build a hedge around Jerusalem where you can fill it with youth.  You are not necessarily going to fill it in buildings as much as you will be going into the streets.  So your first harvest is ready to begin. 

After that there will come a second harvest.  And the second harvest will come because the denominations will see what happened in the Mom and Pop churches and they will get jealous.  They will see that they are losing them and the Mom and Pop churches are filling.  So then they will be willing to change and let the Holy Spirit come in.  Then they will begin to fill to the brim.  Then will come the third great harvest that I was told about. I was sent back from death for this third harvest. It was August the 8th, 1975 that I went to be with the Lord and He sent me back.  The third harvest will be a billion souls and that’s what I came back for.

I will see the beginning of the third harvest before I go home. I spoke to the denominations about this third harvest.  Each one of these great harvests was like catching a fish.  In the first harvest I gave the fish to the Mom and Pop churches.  The second harvest I gave it to the denominations and the third harvest was a fish greater than anything I had ever imagined before.  The first harvest will be as big as anything that has ever happened before in the way of an awakening of the souls.  The second harvest will be ten times that. The third harvest will be over a billion souls and I spoke to the denominations and asked them if they wanted this fish and they said they would take only the prime cuts – we’ll take the doctor’s the Lawyers and the millionaires.  But I said to them that they had to take the whole thing, but they did not want the whole thing.  And I asked, “Lord, what are we going to do with that?”  And then youth came from the first harvest and said, “Bob, we’ll clean it.”  That which is getting ready to be saved now will be the leaders of the great harvest and after that I get to go home while you all are out here laboring.  But is not going to be boring from now on.

Young-oversee it, protect it, get behind it never get in front of it, finance it, motivate it, direct it, point the direction they will take it-those foreknown and predestinated, there looking for truth and the true Church. "

September 18, 1991

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