Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Glory of God has returned to the Earth

The Glory of God has Returned to the Earth
And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it. Isaiah 40:5
The Lord said His glory would return to the earth in the year 2012 and it has!
The glory trasforms you!
Jesus on the Mount of transfiguration was change and they saw the glorified Christ.
The glory is now doing the same to God's people. He is sending His glory down from Heaven into the remnant of His people and that glory is bringing forth the manifested sons and daughters of God.
That glory is amber color which is yellow/orange color. It is the same color as God Himself as we read in the Bible in Ezekiel chapter 1:27,28.
God's glory is the word Doxa in the Greek it means all that God is and all that God has. This is what is being revealed to the Church on the earth right now.
Around God Who is the color of amber are the rainbow colors.
A Cherubim angel appeared to me years ago and he had rainbow colors around him. The picture below is a picture of that angel.
In the picture below you can see the rainbow that is around God this picture was taken in our Church, of the glory of God according to Ezekiel 1:28. You can also see the glory coming down from above.

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