Friday, February 8, 2013

20 Points For Heaven in 1997 is Coming to Pass

20 Points for Heaven in 1997 To Obey the Heavenly Vision (Acts 26:19)


This prophecy is now being fulfilled!


Prophetess Bobbie Jean Merck prophesied: “God said: “Let My people experience the fullness of the High Priestly anointing of the Lord Jesus Christ.”


“Lift up Jesus Christ in the midst of serpents.” Instantly I saw a turn in the Spirit. Lift up Jesus Christ! Exult Jesus Christ! Magnify Jesus Christ! Honor Jesus Christ! Numbers 21. Lift the serpent up on the pole. Whosoever shall look upon the lifted up serpent shall be saved! And you know it happened. Jesus gave revelation of this event in John 3: Therefore, in the midst of serpents, let up lift up Jesus and then salvation, full deliverance, will come! Saints, we are going to war against the devil, powers of darkness, and works of the flesh by lifting up the Lord Jesus in word, thanksgiving, praise, and worship! Then sure and certain Victory is ours to the glory of God that glory may be in the Church!



1.      First of all God said, “None of the old paths- Isaiah 35:, 62:1,2,5-15. 1997 is to be a Year of strength void of fear, timidity, and cowardice.

2.      We are going to see the Redeemer- Revelation 1:10-18. I was in the Spirit. Our emotions are going to be touched.

3.      We shall hear the resurrected redeemer as the Lord of glory speaking His full message to the Church as in Revelation 1:10-3:22.

4.      The Year of worship- waves of fire. Another Dimension came to pass on Passover April 17, 2002 in Iowa, the Angel of the Covenant said, “Another Dimension! You have hinds’ feet.

5.      We are going to begin to know what it is to live in reality of being seated in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:6. Sour in 2004 fulfillment. Zechariah 3:, Clean turbans, garments on us His Priests. He will give us a Home. Change a nation in a day, so he can change your family in a day. She saw a vision of a mighty river with the whirlwind above it, a white eagle flying above the whirlwind, then he got above it and stopped flapping his wings and just soared in the currents of the wind. I’m a forerunner, so are we, Ezekiel 47:5- we just lay back and flow in the river, My people are going to act in My presence. No strain. When strain stop and lay back again. Leave the low life, no chicken life, we are not chickens, we are eagles. Men of stone mountain, throwing the gifts of the Spirit with her right hand, we are going to do this also. Don’t look down at the chickens again. The High Atmosphere of Almighty God! We will look down at circumstances but they won’t affect us any more, they have no power over us. Renew, restore, it is always greater, stronger.

6.      John 17: is now. In an unusual way, oneness, love. 2nd key to this- Ephesians 2:13-22. The thing that I love, force, gifting, anointing by His blood torn down every wall of partition. Unity of the Spirit, of the faith, of the glory, it is in the Spirit, even when we cannot totally agree in the natural. Know no man after the flesh. God looks at us in Christ, not in our flesh. Stop looking at people in the flesh, look at them in the Spirit. We’ve got to believe the best about them.

7.      She prayed: “Oh God, set watchmen on the wall for the Word to come to pass. Isaiah 62:6,7. The glory is thick.

8.      1997 the Ezekiel anointing shall be released, and he gave specific chapters 1-3- vision of glory, 8: hidden is going to be brought to the Light, our secret places. 37:1-14, anointing to raise the dead, 36: new spirit, Bones cannot be moved by manipulation, the breath of life and the Word must be imparted to them, Holy Ghost get them, breathe on them.

9.      Ezekiel Time- He would manifest this as we walk with the Lord, were going to be raised up- confirmation- Rise up- when we stand with the leaders He’s put above us and we stand there like He created Eve for Adam, to be a help meet the needs, attitude to help that’s when will see the Ezekiel anointing working in our lives. 

10.  It’s Time for the Heavenly anointing to walk a Heavenly way, to show forth My Divine wisdom, into the Heavenlies, to war against the darkness, that glory may be in the Church. Ephesians 3:20. Turned water to wine.

11.  The water of the Holy Spirit of John 7:37-39 out of our bellies shall flow rivers of Living water in 1997 it shall be turned into wine of Acts 2:1-21. Drunk, wine, when your drunk you don’t have a problem in the world, you don’t know that anyone doesn’t like you, you think everyone loves you.

12.  I will open My heart to show forth My plan to My seekers.

13.  The path is grace. Acts 20:24, 2 Corinthians 12:9,10, because of the abundant revelation that are coming.

14.  It will be a Time of bowing down at His feet, Awesome submission, and having that ability within, because that’s what he’s working. Revelation 1:15, Ezekiel 1:7.

15.  It’s a Time of Luke 1:38 for the remnant, and that says, be it unto me according to thy Word, oh God. Faith in the remnant persons heart will bring forth conception in the womb, in the case the spirit, and the soul, for the body to go forth bearing fruits of righteousness, and their call, fulfilling God’s work and will in their life.

16.  As never before Isaiah 41:9,10 the manifestation of the mantle, and the mantles will be released, whatever mantle is resting on your life, it is to be released for the glory of God!

17.  An increase in persecution, it’s going to come from within that which is called the body of Christ. He said: “But don’t look at that, look at Acts 4:23-33-37.

18.  The Kingly and Priestly anointing will stand and work side by side, Zechariah 6:12,13(Amp) peace in between the offices- The heart of a servant, motive, not just ruling and reigning, dominion, and authority.

19.  Psalms 45: will be manifest for His worshippers who follow Him in humility, mercy, and love.

20.  The work of God shall have the seal of the Holy Spirit and be covered with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ as God’s workers have Zechariah 2:5- God Himself, Father as working this in their behalf- wall of fire around them and the glory in the midst thereof.


Addendum- He said:’ fear not, for I Am with you, and I Am for you, I will trouble those who trouble you, trust in Me, don’t touch there’s spiders web- Basilisk, he’s under My control.”


He’s not only going to give us His heart, He’s going to give us His womb- Hebrew- mercy. Mercy is born out of the womb of God- He’s going to give in our lives the very thing that is born from His womb- El Shaddai.


Isaiah 55: Time His Word will not return void.


She was praying: Be pleased with our sacrifices oh, Lord!


I saw it so clear, the kernel has fallen into the ground, now the full corn in the ear, ripe, mature fruit, fruit from our lives that can be eaten- prophecy Bob Jones- and can be planted also again.


We rise to praise you, We rise to obey you, James 4:10. We have to be down before we can rise, Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God and He will exult you in due time.


Great emphasis on the Christ (The Anointed One).


John 1:29


Psalms God shall bless us. God said: “There will be a benediction on some things God has started.” Benediction means- finished, over and out, go on to something new. Something fresh.


He said: “Knees that cannot bow down are also knees that cannot run with the Vision and cannot finish the race.”



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