Friday, December 28, 2012

The School of Ministry Part 2

Part 2



A Rhythm of Miracle Living

And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live. Deuteronomy 8:3

And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there: And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage. And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come. His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. And there were set there six waterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece. Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it. When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now. This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him. John 2:1-11

In God's End-Time Harvest Time Cycle there are 5 different manifestations, the forth one is God's people will enter a new rhythm of miracle living!


God's people will enter a new rhythm of miracle living!


Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. John 12:24


God is Preparing His Soldiers


In the natural world, the last thing that happens to any soldier under going intense military training is the breaking of his self-will. His dependence on worldly crutches is broken. He develops a new identity through rugged discipline and a new sense of obedience.

No longer does he live just for himself. No longer does he obey the word of his commander only when he feels like it, or thinks it sounds right. He dies to himself, as Jesus said in the commentary scripture.

During this time of dying his attitude towards all authority, and the depth of his true commitment and the cause he professes to serve, is severely tested. He encounters new experiences and circumstances which force him to take a close, hard look at what his real motives are, and what he truly wants from the military. He then has to decide deep within his heart, and his will whether the price he has to pay and be successful in the army is worth it to him.

As he is jolted into facing these piercing, self-effacing questions, a revolution will begin to take place deep within his soul and his spirit. As it does, many of his old attitudes, plans, and ideas will be uprooted, and he will be forced to take on new ones. He may even find himself having to learn totally new skills. Strict self-discipline may for the time produce intense discomfort. He may have thoughts or outbursts of sudden resentment, doubts, discouragement. Emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, the time is one of personal reevaluation and upheaval. But through it, the image he had of himself and his purpose in life dramatically changes.

The soldier will find that his strength in himself has been broken, but that it is replaced by a new strength in unified purpose in others. A new strength in oneness with whosoever he serves: a new ability not only to cope, but be victorious over whatever comes along. He will have a new pride, not in himself, but in the one he serves.

Like this soldier, Christians undergoing the first phase of this harvest time cycle, will find themselves experiencing very similar things. During this period, God may allow circumstances to hinder you: old frustrations to crop up or testing's in many areas of your life.

Once the reality of spiritual war sinks into every thread of your being, you, like the worldly soldier, may experience a revolution in your spirit. You, too, will be forced to take a close, hard look at what your real motives and goals are in the church. To your horror you may find that, like the Pharisees, you are more like a whitewashed tomb which outwardly appears righteous to men, but within is full of spiritual deadness, apathy, indifference, and secret sin. Matthew 23:27

But do not despair! This phase is necessary, for after you have humbled yourself, turned to the Lord and repented of these areas of darkness, He has great things for you. He will revive your spirit and your heart as never before.

This is His preparation in your life for the fullness of the Latter Rain of His Spirit. In this period of reevaluation with the Holy Spirit, your old pride in who you have been as an individual Christian will have been broken. You are fueled by a new love, a new identity, and a new total reliance on the One who you serve.


You will no longer say, Look at the good Christian I have become in myself. Instead, you will say, Look at the Proof Producer I have become in the One who dwells in me!


There is no moving out onto the battlefield apart from a deeper intimacy and more total obedience to Him. He is the Vine; we are the branches. John 5:15 He is the Supreme Commander; we are His soldiers. Apart from Him, we can do nothing. But in Him, we are a victorious people of war!


God is Raising You up to Manifest His Miracle Power


Then all the multitude kept silence, and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul, declaring what miracles and wonders God had wrought among the Gentiles by them. Acts 15:12


God has given you and me the privilege of living in the most important hour of Spiritual destiny that the world has ever known. Today is a day of Spiritual acceleration. God is speeding up the process whereby He is bringing His people into all the fullness that He has purposed for our lives.


Revelation is springing forth, a new anointing is falling, God is pouring new strength into your inner man, He is restoring to us what we forfeited in the Garden of Eden. And now, as part of the manifestations that are taking place in God's End-Time Harvest Time Cycle, God is raising YOU up in this hour to manifest His miracle power, just as He used Barnabas and Paul in this scripture.


God wants YOU to operate in the same miracle power that was operating in Barnabas and Paul. God wants you to operate in the same power and anointing which was upon His Son, Jesus Christ.


A miracle is something which cannot happen by human means. It is a supernatural manifestation of God that comes into our daily lives to deal with events and circumstances that cannot be met by just the normal means. God uses miracles today, just as He did in the New Testament days, to confirm His will and confirm His Word, and to provide for the needs of His people.

All the truths concerning miracles have been preparing you to enter and live in a rhythm of miracle living whereby God's miracle power is flowing through you in a continual stream into your life to give you total victory, and out of your life to fulfill God's will in healing the sick and casting out devils in order to build the Kingdom of God.


When I refer to living in a rhythm of miracles, I am not talking about an ethereal, pie-in-the-sky type of living where there is no pain or headache and where everything is automatically provided. Living in a rhythm of miracles involves down-to-earth day-to-day living.


Problems will come. Trials and testing's will come. But when a Christian is living in a rhythm, a continual flow of miracles, each one of those trials and testing that comes your way will be met and overcome by the miracle power of God! God did not promise us we would never know sickness, pain or sorrow. Jesus said, These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33


Real victory comes during the trial. It is not God's will to take away all our problems and the adverse circumstances in our lives, but in the midst of them it is His will for us to receive and experience the manifestation and fulfillment of His will and His Word. Every experience you have in life is another opportunity for God to supernaturally intervene and fulfill the promises He has given you, and to perform a miracle.


God is Raising You Up in this Hour to Manifest His Miracle Power


And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. Daniel 11:32


There are many examples in the Word which illustrate the type of miracle living that God wants you to have in this End-Time Harvest Cycle. As this one scripture relates, we are living in a day of Spiritual acceleration when the Spirit of God is bringing together all things in Christ.


God is a God of plan, purpose, design, and objectivity. None of these end-time manifestations happen by accident. However, it is not enough just to know about God's miracle power. You must enter into an experience wherein you see miracles on a consistent basis so that they become a normal part of your life. God's will for His people is that they live in a rhythm of miracles.

The help you understand the availability of God's miracle power and how simple it is for your life to be literally charged with that miracle power, I want to show you a simple but tremendous truth in the natural world concerning electricity.


For instance, did you know that it is possible to transfer electricity to another wire without it actually being connected? As long as two active power lines are running in the same direction- parallel- power is transferred. When they are at right angles to each other nothing happens. If one wire is not grounded, an electric charge powerful enough to kill a person will be transferred to the other wire, even though it is not connected. The simple wire beneath the power lines cannot produce electricity, but when it is stretched parallel to the supply lines overhead, something amazing happens. The power from the power lines is transferred to the simple electric wire, and a powerful electric current surges through it. All truth is parallel.


In this simple illustration, the power lines represent God's miracle power. The electric wire that is drawn parallel to the power lines represents your life. God's miracle power is available to you when you keep your will lined up with God's will, your mind with God's mind, and your purpose with God's purpose. The miracle power will be transferred to your life as surely as the electrical power of the power lines in this illustration is transferred to the small parallel electric wire. absolutely nothing can keep that power from revolutionizing your life, except yourself. You must continually bring your will into subjection to God's will. As you continually keep your life lined up with God's will as revealed in His Word, God's miracle power will flow through you in a continual stream, like an electric current, to meet the needs in your life and in the lives of those around you.


It is time to accelerate and intensify our efforts in evangelizing the world. This is one of His purposes for bringing His people into a new rhythm of His miracle power. God is saying that it is time that we go forth in the miracle power of Almighty God into the Cities and Nations of this world conquering the forces of evil and setting free all those who have been held captive in Satan's power.


Break Through Your Personal Environment into a Rhythm of Miracle Living!


Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Corinthians 10:5


Your Mind is Satan's battleground. He knows how important it is for you to have a clean, renewed, victorious mind. The extent to which Satan can influence and control your thoughts is the extent to which he can control and hinder you from receiving from God.                                                                       


In this scripture Paul instructs us on the importance of bringing every thought into captivity and place it under the obedience of Christ. When your thoughts are in line with the Word of God, something amazing is going to happen in your life. You will receive a Spiritual charge of energy that will enable you to break out of your personal environment and enter a rhythm of miracle living!


You will be able to catch every negative thought of doubt and unbelief as you take quick and authoritative action by putting up a no trespassing sign the moment they come into your mind. Then you must cast them out in the Name of Jesus and replace those negative thoughts with the infallible, impregnable Word of God.


Most Christians are influenced by what they see, hear, feel, or think and they are not able to break through that environment into a rhythm of miracles. Most of us go through life depending on our own abilities and mind instead of depending on God for a supernatural intervention in the circumstances of our lives. We limit God by our own preconceived attitudes and our unbridled emotions.


Bring your emotions under the control of the Holy Spirit. Do not be motivated by how you feel. Your faith must not be hindered by the influence of your emotions on your thoughts and actions so that you cannot break out of this environment and enter and live in a flow of God's miracle power.


The key to taking authority and dominion over your emotions is to have the same deep inner-knowing that God is in control. Then you will be able to resist the temptation to give in to your feeling and, through the mighty weapons of warfare, bring them under submission and control of the Holy Spirit.


Also, the words that you speak can actually determine the course of your life (James 3:2). Neurosurgeons have discovered that the speech center in the brain has total dominion over all the other nerves in the body. Simply speaking can give a person control over his body in a certain way, depending on the words spoken. It is, therefore, of the utmost importance that you analyze the words that are coming out of your mouth. What are the words that you are speaking concerning the circumstances in your life that need a supernatural manifestation of God's power? Are they words that are spoken in faith? Are they controlled by the Holy Spirit?


It is not easy to enter a rhythm, a continual flow, of God's miracle power. There are many barriers that hinder and hold back the Church of Jesus Christ from operating in the miracle power of God. You must press through and break down
every hindrance that stands in your way. You must have a definite God-given strategy that will accomplish this. And you must analyze your personal environment, which will help you determine and conduct Spiritual warfare against the evil spirits that place these hindrances in your way. Only then can you break through your personal environment to go beyond into a rhythm of MIRACLE LIVING!










































































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